If you have a bunny, it’s important that you allow them some time to spend outdoors! You can do exactly that with The Hungry Puppy’s products, like Lapps Rabbit Single Hutches.
A hutch is a cage used to house rabbits. Whether you buy a single hutch or a double hutch depends on whether or not you’d like to use it as housing for more than one rabbit, as well as how much space you’d like to provide them. Lapps Rabbit Single Hutches are perfect for one rabbit and still allows them the room they need to hop around and be free. This hutch is made of wood and has legs to boost it off the ground. The floor of it is made of wire mesh, as are part of its walls to allow for proper ventilation and fresh air! Attached to the hutch is a nest box with a shingled roof, resembling a shed. This enclosed part of the hutch is designed for your rabbit to have a more protected place to retreat to, especially in harsh weather conditions.
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